Monday, March 12, 2012


**Note: this was suppose to be posted yesterday**

What an amazing day!!  Today is the type of day I live for!  Taking the world for what it has to offer!!

Today we did a little site seeing at the Aztecan pyramids in Teotihuacan.  They are incredible!  It's crazy to think that an ancient civilization can create something so massive and that last so long without modern technology.  I wonder if thousands of years from now people will be touring something our civilization built and one that had so much meaning behind it as well??  We had a tour guide that was explaining the meaning of each of the Pyramids, the Gods, and the meaning of certain sculptures and engravings.  It was very interesting.  I guess the Aztecs used to do human sacrifices all the time.  You had to be part of the "high society" to be scarified and it was an honor to be sacrificed to the gods..... yeah, count me out!! 

*I have a video but can't get it to work.  I'll try again later.

Right when we got off the bus, this was about to start.  These 5 guys climb to the top of this pole, wrap the rope around it and then perform this Cirque de Sole type deal.  The guy on top is jumping around, playing a drum and flute, then the others just suspend them selves and start swinging!!  The ropes get longer and longer till they reach the bottom.  It's Crazy!!  I'm pretty sure there is some sort of safety short for this.
 Jaguars, Snakes, and the Sun God on the side of the Pyramids.

 65 meters high.... yeah, I climbed that thing.  "Team All the Way!!" (which turn into "Team Back to the Bottom")
 View from about halfway.

 View from the Top.

 Some murals that the Aztecs painted.  Just imagine how bright and vibrant these where when they were first painted??  On one of the murals, the tour guide was explaining about had a game that was similar to hockey/soccer.  The winners of the game were killed!!  I'm sure there were a lot of 0-0 ties....
 After we strolled up a couple of pyramids, we had a presentation on the Agave plant, silver, and obsidian.  This was my favorite part of the tour I think (probably because we got to take shots of tequila, which they showed us the correct way to take one).  The guide explained that without the Agave plant there probably wouldn't have been a civilization, pyramids, and, in turn, tourists.  This plant was the life of their society.  It was used for many different things.  Agave produces a nectar that is kind of sweet like honey.  They used this to make one of the oldest drinks of their civilization, obviously alcoholic, called Pulque.  We got to drink some and it was pretty good.  The plant has a sharp point that was used as a weapon.  It also has antiseptic qualities, used to make paper, and came with a needle with tread.

Cool Fact: Mexico is the #1 producer of silver in the world.
 Thought these were cool.  Hand made out of obsidian.  It is one of the hardest materials on earth, right behind diamonds.  In fact, to cut it, they use a diamond blade.  They use modern tools to make these and it takes over a month.  The Aztecs used to make stuff exactly like this!!  I wonder how long it took them and what did they use to do it??  Unreal!!

*I have a video but can't get it to work.  I'll try again later.
During lunch, two performers came out and put on a show for us!
Me at the top of one of the Pryamids!!  Holla at cha boy haha!!

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