Sunday, March 4, 2012

The day before....

Well, tomorrow morning I leave my cozy little apartment in Boston on an adventure to our neighbors to the South, Mexico.  Not exactly sure how I am suppose to feel about leaving the country for 5 months.  I feel excited, nervous, lucky.... so many other things.  To be honest, I don't think it has fully hit me yet.  I still have a couple more hours before it becomes a reality. 

I am all packed up and ready to go.  It took me a solid 3 hours to get everything packed and that doesn't include the time it too to organizing (weeks haha).  My roommate and her friend helped me out a bit.  Really they were just fascinated by the spectacle of a boy packing to go away for almost half a year.  One of them said that "this is the most entertaining thing I've seen in a while..."  Not sure that's how I would have described it but to each their own. 

The fact that I the opportunity to travel to a foreign country to live and work for 5 months is incredible.  I love traveling!!  There is so much the world has to offer and my plan is to experience as much of it as possible.  I am super excited to learn about the Mexican culture by being a part of it.  I plan on taking advantage of everything this trip has to offer.  Beyond work, I hope there will be some opportunities to learn and experience Mexico, weather it's traveling or volunteering.  I cannot be afraid to try anything new.  I believe this journey is going to be as good as I make it, and I plan on it being a good trip!! 

I will try to keep a daily blog of my experiences while in Mexico.  If there is something you want to hear more about/less about, just let me know.     

1 comment:

  1. Hi Ramon -

    You are doing a great job with your blog. I loved reading all the details of your thoughts about the assignment so far and all the things you are seeing and doing. Keep it up! Last year, our group also went to Teotihuacan and it was awesome! I bet you had a good lunch that day, too!

