Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Culture Shock??

Culture can be defined as what and how we do things here and now.  It's something we don't think about every day yet it effects almost every aspect of our daily lives.  From how we behave, what we wear, what is socially acceptable, how we do business, and how we interact with others.  Culture differs from country to country, state to state, even company to company.  It is transmitted and learned from generation to generation but also changes from generation to generation.  When we are in our own culture we are comfortable, we understand the norms and what is expected of us.  Breaking out of that comfort zone and emmercing  yourself into another culture can be very difficult and eye opening.

Today we participated in a cultural training course.  It never really occurred to me how different the Mexican culture actually is and how it effects doing business.  What a tremendous learning experience.

The course was taught by a gentlemen names Salvador.  He has lived in Mexico City pretty much his whole life and has a great understanding of Mexico's culture.  When I first was told I was going to be sitting through an all day course about culture I thought "This is going to be a long day".  On the contrary, the day went by too quickly.  It was so interesting to learn about Mexico and it's people.  At the end of the day Joe, Jose, Chico, and I all wished we had more time in the class.  We learned everything from the Police, to the characteristics of Mexicans and how this effects doing business, to their perceptions of foreigners.  

I wish I could take you through what we learned in the class in detail but this entry would be way to long.  Plus it is late and I have to be up at 4am to catch a cab to one of the plants.  Buenas noche!  Hasta manana!!

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