Monday, July 16, 2012

Coming to a close.....

Well, my time here in Mexico is quickly coming to a close.  I can’t believe that 5 months has come and gone.  Seems like only yesterday we were arriving at Casa de la Condesa, getting acquainted with this wonderful country.  Everything was so new back then.  I felt like a little kid on Christmas.  Each turn brought something exciting and new.  It is a very bitter sweet feeling to be almost done.  I have had an amazing experience; learned a lot, met tons of cool people, saw some cool stuff, but it is time to get back to “real life”.  Which now kind of makes me think what life is really about.  Not to get all deep on everyone, but this experience has changed me for the better.  I have grown both professional and personally.  I have a new perspective on life, of Mexico, of the US, of the world.  I will never complain about traffic in Boston again…..  I want to continue to travel and experience everything the world has to offer; to go to new countries and emerce myself in the culture, to meet new people, learn new languages (let’s not get ahead of yourself Ramon, Spanish first….), discover new things and new things about myself.  I don’t want to be a tourist, but a traveler.  I was going to save some of these thoughts for my last entry but now I am kind of rambling.  Although I was here for work, this journey was not about work for me.  Granted we worked our asses off but it was really so much more.  I went back to re-read my blog entries and remembered the way I felt during each experience.  It was like a little trip back in time.  I initially started this blog for work but it turned into something different, something better.  It turned into a documentation on my thoughts and feelings.  It’s like an insight into what being in Mexico meant to me.  I really couldn’t be more grateful to have had this opportunity.  It is definitely something I will always remember.  I’d like to take a minute to thank anyone that has been following, thanks to Mike, Christine, and Brian for allowing me this adventure, also Michael Barger and Juan Muldoon, to Mr. Tom Scheafer for stepping up to the plate while I was gone, to Grupo Bimbo for really living what they preach; the person is the most important part of our company, to all the people I have met in Mexico and made my time here awesome, to mis compañeros; Lalo (you can’t dance, also, hold my coffee), Joe (eff your tacos brah), Chico (anything I want to write here is way too inappropriate, but I love ya big guy), Corrin (wish we got to spend more time together, you’re a great person and enjoyed the little time we did spend together).  In closing, I will leave you with this: Never be complacent.  Always continue to grow, to learn, to meet new people.  Don’t judge a book by its cover.  Everyone you meet is going through something and has a story.  Don’t be afraid to try new things.  Life begins where your comfort level ends.  Lastly, tell the people you love that you love them, and tell them often…….  Adios!             

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